1. Angels Holocaust / Night of the Stormrider (39)
2. Disciples of the Lie / Something Wicked This Way Comes (26)
3. Stormrider / Night of the Stormrider (19)
4. Gettysburg(1863) / The Glorious Burden (17)
5. Red Baron / Blue Max / The Glorious Burden (16)
6. Burnt Offerings / Burnt Offerings (12)
6. Waterloo / The Glorious Burden (12)
6. When the Eagle Cries / The Glorious Burden (12)
9. 1776 / Something Wicked This Way Comes (9)
9. Dante's Inferno / Burnt Offerings (9)
11. Declaration Day / The Glorious Burden (7)
12. Anguish of Youth / Dystopia (6)
12. Burning Times / Something Wicked This Way Comes (6)
12. Dark City / Dystopia (6)
12. Dracula / Horror Show (6)
12. Dystopia / Dystopia (6)
12. My Own Savior / Something Wicked This Way Comes (6)
12. PROPHECY / Something Wicked This Way Comes (6)
12. Screaming for Vengeance / A Tribute to the Priest (6)
12. Travel in Stygian / Night of the Stormrider (6)
21. Ten Thousand Strong / Framing Armageddon: Something Wicked, Part 1 (5)
22. Diary / Burnt Offerings (4)
22. Pure Evil / Night of the Stormrider (4)
22. The Path I Choose / Night of the Stormrider (4)
25. Anthem / Dystopia (3)
25. Cthulhu / Plagues of Babylon (3)
25. Dark Saga / The Dark Saga (3)
25. Great Heathen Army / Incorruptible (3)
25. Hollow Man / The Glorious Burden (3)
25. Iced Earth / Iced Earth (3)
25. Melancholy (Holy Martyr) / Something Wicked This Way Comes (3)
25. Peacemaker / Plagues of Babylon (3)
25. SOMETHING WICKED / Something Wicked This Way Comes (3)
25. Seven Headed Whore / Incorruptible (3)
25. The Phantom Opera Ghost / Horror Show (3)
25. The Suffering: A Question of Heaven / The Dark Saga (3)
25. Watching Over Me / Something Wicked This Way Comes (3)
25. When the Night Falls / Days of Purgatory (3)
39. Birth of the Wicked / Something Wicked This Way Comes (2)
39. Cast in Stone / Days of Purgatory (2)
39. Curse the Sky / Iced Earth (2)
39. Something Wicked: The Coming Curse / Something Wicked This Way Comes (2)
39. Stand Alone / Something Wicked This Way Comes (2)
39. Violate / The Dark Saga (2)
45. Desert Rain / Night of the Stormrider (1)
45. The Reckoning (Don't Tread on Me) / The Glorious Burden (1)
45. The Suffering: Slave to the Dark / The Dark Saga (1)
45. Vengeance Is Mine / The Dark Saga (1)
45. Wolf / Horror Show (1)



