1. Sacred Hour / Chase the Dragon (27)
2. On a Storyteller's Night / On a Storyteller's Night (23)
3. Just Like an Arrow / On a Storyteller's Night (21)
4. Vigilante / Vigilante (19)
5. Kingdom of Madness / Kingdom of Madness (16)
5. The Last Dance / On a Storyteller's Night (16)
7. Back to Earth / Chase the Dragon (13)
8. Start Talking Love / Wings of Heaven (11)
9. How Far Jerusalem / On a Storyteller's Night (9)
9. Invasion / Kingdom of Madness (9)
9. When the World Comes Down / Vigilante (9)
12. In the Beginning / Kingdom of Madness (8)
13. Two Hearts / On a Storyteller's Night (7)
14. After the Rain / Breath of Life (6)
14. All England's Eyes / On a Storyteller's Night (6)
14. All of My Life / Magnum II (6)
14. Breakdown / The Eleventh Hour (6)
14. Great Adventure / Magnum II (6)
14. If I Could Live Forever / Magnum II (6)
14. LONG DAY、BLACK NIGHTS / Chase the Dragon (6)
14. Les Morts Dansants / On a Storyteller's Night (6)
14. On the Edge of the World / Chase the Dragon (6)
14. Soldier of the Line / Chase the Dragon (6)
14. Still / Breath of Life (6)
14. The Great Disaster / The Eleventh Hour (6)
14. The Lights Burned Out / Chase the Dragon (6)
14. The Prize / The Eleventh Hour (6)
14. The Spirit / Chase the Dragon (6)
14. Wild Swan / Wings of Heaven (6)
30. All That Is Real / Kingdom of Madness (5)
30. Before First Light / On a Storyteller's Night (5)
30. Hit and Run / The Eleventh Hour (5)
30. So Cold the Night / Magnum II (5)
30. Walking the Straight Line / Chase the Dragon (5)
35. C'est La Vie / Chapter & Verse the Very Best of Magnum (4)
36. All Come Together / Kingdom of Madness (3)
36. All the Dreamers / On the Thirteenth Day (3)
36. Back Street Kid / Vigilante (3)
36. Back in Your Arms Again / Rock Art (3)
36. Black Skies / The Visitation (3)
36. Blood Red Laughter / On the Thirteenth Day (3)
36. Breath of Life / Breath of Life (3)
36. Crazy Old Mothers / Sacred Blood “Divine” Lies (3)
36. Days of No Trust / Wings of Heaven (3)
36. Don’t Cry Baby / Sacred Blood “Divine” Lies (3)
36. Dream About You / Breath of Life (3)
36. Firebird / Magnum II (3)
36. Hush-a-Bye Baby / Rock Art (3)
36. Introduction / The Spirit (3)
36. It's Time to Come Together / Brand New Morning (3)
36. Just This Side of Heaven / Rock Art (3)
36. Lost on the Road to Eternity / Lost on the Road to Eternity (3)
36. Need a Lot of Love / Vigilante (3)
36. Pray for the Day / Wings of Heaven (3)
36. Red on the Highway / Vigilante (3)
36. Rock Heavy / Rock Art (3)
36. Shadow Town / On the Thirteenth Day (3)
36. So Far Away / The Eleventh Hour (3)
36. So Let It Rain / On the Thirteenth Day (3)
36. Spin Like a Wheel / The Visitation (3)
36. Stayin' Alive / Magnum II (3)
36. Tell Tale Eyes / Rock Art (3)
36. The Blue and the Grey / Brand New Morning (3)
36. The Last Frontier / The Visitation (3)
36. The Last Goodbye / Brand New Morning (3)
36. The Moon King / Into the Valley of the Moonking (3)
36. The Tall Ships / Rock Art (3)
36. The Valley of Tears / Escape From the Shadow Garden (3)
36. The Visitation / The Visitation (3)
36. The Word / The Eleventh Hour (3)
36. Time to Cross That River / Into the Valley of the Moonking (3)
36. True Fine Love / The Eleventh Hour (3)
36. Unwritten Sacrifice / Escape From the Shadow Garden (3)
36. Vicious Companions / The Eleventh Hour (3)
36. We All Need to Be Loved (acoustic) / Breath of Life (3)
36. When We Were Younger / Princess Alice and the Broken Arrow (3)
36. You'll Never Sleep / Princess Alice and the Broken Arrow (3)
36. Young and Precious Souls / The Eleventh Hour (3)
36. Your Dreams Won’t Die / Sacred Blood “Divine” Lies (3)
81. All My Bridges / Into the Valley of the Moonking (2)
81. Baby Rock Me / Kingdom of Madness (2)
81. Changes / Magnum II (2)
81. Cry to Yourself / Into the Valley of the Moonking (2)
81. Endless Love / On a Storyteller's Night (2)
81. Foolish Heart / Magnum II (2)
81. HOLD BACK YOUR LOVE / Chase the Dragon (2)
81. I'd Breathe for You / Brand New Morning (2)
81. It Must Have Been Love / Chapter & Verse the Very Best of Magnum (2)
81. Lords of Chaos / Kingdom of Madness (2)
81. No One Knows His Name / Into the Valley of the Moonking (2)
81. One Night of Passion / The Eleventh Hour (2)
81. Reborn / Magnum II (2)
81. Road to Paradise / The Eleventh Hour (2)
81. Steal Your Heart / On a Storyteller's Night (2)
81. The Bringer / Kingdom of Madness (2)
81. Universe / Kingdom of Madness (2)
81. We All Play the Game / Chase the Dragon (2)
100. Everyday / Breath of Life (1)
100. The Teacher / Chase the Dragon (1)



