1. You Suffer / Scum (187)
2. Scum / Scum (77)
3. Dead / From Enslavement to Obliteration (58)
4. The Kill / Scum (38)
5. Nazi Punks Fxxk off / Leaders Not Followers (31)
6. Siege of Power / Scum (27)
7. Silence Is Deafening / The Code Is Red... Long Live the Code (26)
8. MUSCLEHEAD / From Enslavement to Obliteration (23)
9. Taste the Poison / Enemy of the Music Business (19)
10. Your Achievement? / From Enslavement to Obliteration (18)
11. Life? / Scum (17)
12. Divine Death / Scum (16)
13. Parasites / Scum (14)
13. Right You Are / The Code Is Red... Long Live the Code (14)
15. From Enslavement to Obliteration / From Enslavement to Obliteration (11)
16. Human Garbage / Scum (10)
16. Success? / Scum (10)
18. Mentally Murdered / From Enslavement to Obliteration (9)
18. The Great and the Good / The Code Is Red... Long Live the Code (9)
20. Circle of Hypocrisy / Harmony Corruption (8)
20. Diplomatic Immunity / The Code Is Red... Long Live the Code (8)
20. Moral Crusade / Scum (8)
20. Negative Approach / Scum (8)
20. Vision Conquest / Harmony Corruption (8)
20. Volume of Neglect / Enemy of the Music Business (8)
26. Lucid Fairytale / From Enslavement to Obliteration (7)
27. Dead / The World Keeps Turning (6)
27. Pledge Yourself to You / The Code Is Red... Long Live the Code (6)
27. Pseudo Youth / Scum (6)
27. Riot of Violence / Leaders Not Followers, Part 2 (6)
27. The Missing Link / Mentally Murdered (6)
27. Vermin / Enemy of the Music Business (6)
33. Back from the Dead / Leaders Not Followers (5)
33. Can't Play, Won't Pay / Enemy of the Music Business (5)
33. Cock-Rock Alienation / From Enslavement to Obliteration (5)
33. Incinerator / Leaders Not Followers (5)
33. Inconceivable? / From Enslavement to Obliteration (5)
33. Instinct of Survival / Scum (5)
33. Sometimes / From Enslavement to Obliteration (5)
40. C.S. / Scum (4)
40. Constitutional Hell / Enemy of the Music Business (4)
40. It's a M.A.N.S World! / From Enslavement to Obliteration (4)
40. Maggots in Your Coffin / Leaders Not Followers (4)
40. Necessary Evil / Enemy of the Music Business (4)
45. Breed to Breathe / Inside the Torn Apart (3)
45. C.S. (Conservative Shithead), Part 2 / Enemy of the Music Business (3)
45. Call That an Option? / Smear Campaign (3)
45. Continuing War on Stupidity / Order of the Leech (3)
45. Control / Scum (3)
45. Deceiver / Scum (3)
45. Demonic Possession / Leaders Not Followers (3)
45. Diatribes / Diatribes (3)
45. Fracture in the Equation / Enemy of the Music Business (3)
45. If the Truth Be Known / Harmony Corruption (3)
45. Lowest Common Denominator / Order of the Leech (3)
45. Lowlife / Leaders Not Followers, Part 2 (3)
45. Make Way! / From Enslavement to Obliteration (3)
45. Mass Appeal Madness / Mass Appeal Madness (3)
45. Mind Snare / Harmony Corruption (3)
45. Night of Pain / Leaders Not Followers, Part 2 (3)
45. No Mental Effort / Mentally Murdered (3)
45. One-Eyed / Apex Predator - Easy Meat (3)
45. Pay for the Privilege of Breathing / The Code Is Red... Long Live the Code (3)
45. Politicians / Leaders Not Followers (3)
45. Polluted Minds / Scum (3)
45. Retreat to Nowhere / From Enslavement to Obliteration (3)
45. Scum / The World Keeps Turning (3)
45. Sink Fast, Let Go / Smear Campaign (3)
45. Suffer the Children / Harmony Corruption (3)
45. The Code Is Red... Long Live the Code / The Code Is Red... Long Live the Code (3)
45. The Icing on the Hate / Order of the Leech (3)
45. Think for a Minute / From Enslavement to Obliteration (3)
45. Unfit Earth / Harmony Corruption (3)
45. Walls of Confinement / Mentally Murdered (3)
45. War's No Fairytale / Leaders Not Followers, Part 2 (3)
77. (The Public Get) What the Public Doesn't Want / Enemy of the Music Business (2)
77. Aryanisms / Utopia Banished (2)
77. Discordance / Utopia Banished (2)
77. Evolved as One / From Enslavement to Obliteration (2)
77. Forced to Fear / Order of the Leech (2)
77. Morale / The Code Is Red... Long Live the Code (2)
77. Obstinate Direction / From Enslavement to Obliteration (2)
77. Practise What You Preach / From Enslavement to Obliteration (2)
77. Striding Purposefully Backwards / The Code Is Red... Long Live the Code (2)
77. Vegetative State / The Code Is Red... Long Live the Code (2)
88. Blind to the Truth / From Enslavement to Obliteration (1)
88. Unchallenged Hate / From Enslavement to Obliteration (1)



