1. Heaven Knows / Now and Zen (12)
3. Anniversary / Manic Nirvana (8)
3. Slow Dancer / Pictures at Eleven (8)
5. One More Cup of Coffee / Dreamland (6)
5. Ship of Fools / Now and Zen (6)
7. Darkness, Darkness / Dreamland (5)
7. Liars Dance / Manic Nirvana (5)
7. Tall Cool One / Now and Zen (5)
10. Freedom Fries / Mighty Rearranger (4)
10. Promised Land / Fate of Nations (4)
12. 29 Palms / Fate of Nations (3)
12. Come Into My Life / Fate of Nations (3)
12. Great Spirit / Fate of Nations (3)
12. Hey Joe / Dreamland (3)
12. Like I've Never Been Gone / Pictures at Eleven (3)
12. She Said / Manic Nirvana (3)
12. Song to the Siren / Dreamland (3)
12. Watching You / Manic Nirvana (3)
20. Down to the Sea / Fate of Nations (2)
20. Helen of Troy / Now and Zen (2)
20. I Believe / Fate of Nations (2)
20. Innuendo / The Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert (2)
20. Moonlight in Samosa / Pictures at Eleven (2)
20. Mystery Title / Pictures at Eleven (2)
20. Skip's Song / Dreamland (2)
20. Tie Dye on the Highway / Manic Nirvana (2)
20. Walking Towards Paradise / Now and Zen (2)
30. Another Tribe / Mighty Rearranger (1)
30. Big Log / The Principle of Moments (1)
30. Burning Down One Side / Pictures at Eleven (1)
30. If I Were a Carpenter / Fate of Nations (1)
30. Memory Song (Hello Hello) / Fate of Nations (1)
30. Pledge Pin / Pictures at Eleven (1)
30. Thru' With the Two Step / The Principle of Moments (1)



