1. Goin' Home Tonight / Big Game (57)
2. When the Children Cry / Pride (53)
3. Wait / Pride (51)
4. Broken Heart / Mane Attraction (29)
5. Little Fighter / Big Game (27)
6. Hungry / Pride (25)
7. Don't Give Up / Pride (23)
7. Lady of the Valley / Pride (23)
9. Love Don't Come Easy / Mane Attraction (22)
9. Tell Me / Pride (22)
11. El Salvador / Fight to Survive (16)
12. Sweet Little Loving / Pride (15)
13. Lonely Nights / Pride (14)
14. Cry for Freedom / Big Game (13)
14. Let's Get Crazy / Big Game (13)
14. You're All I Need / Mane Attraction (13)
17. Broken Heart / Fight to Survive (10)
18. Farewell to You / Mane Attraction (9)
19. Cherokee / Fight to Survive (7)
19. Lights and Thunder / Mane Attraction (7)
21. Dirty Woman / Big Game (6)
21. Warsong / Mane Attraction (6)
24. Don't Say It's Over / Big Game (5)
24. I Will / Return of the Pride (5)
24. The Road to Valhalla / Fight to Survive (5)
24. Till Death Do Us Part / Mane Attraction (5)
28. Leave Me Alone / Mane Attraction (4)
28. Radar Love / Big Game (4)
30. All Burn in Hell / Fight to Survive (3)
30. All Join Our Hands / Pride (3)
30. Battle at Little Big Horn / Return of the Pride (3)
30. Broken Home / Big Game (3)
30. Fight to Survive / Fight to Survive (3)
30. Hungry / Anthology ’83–’89 (3)
30. Living on the Edge / Anthology ’83–’89 (3)
30. Sangre de Cristo / Return of the Pride (3)
30. Take Me Home / Return of the Pride (3)
39. Little Fighter / Remembering White Lion (2)



