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öRBに登録されている12曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Hysteric Psychedelic ∞, 2.
Dark Side Meditation, 3.
Justice For True Love (album version), 4.
晴れ後時々流星, 5.
AUBE 〜新しい夜明け, 6.
Wings of Freedom (album version), 7.
D.D.D! 〜Happy 65th Anniversary for Donald Duck〜, 7.
From The Past To The Future, 8.
The Way, 9.
希望の鐘が鳴る朝に, 10.
A.D.1999 (örb version), 11.
Moonlight Fairy (örb version), 12.
Decadence (örb version), 12.