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END OF AN ERAに登録されている18曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Intro: Red Warrior / Dark Chest of Wonders, 2.
Planet Hell, 3.
Ever Dream, 4.
The Kinslayer, 5.
The Phantom of the Opera, 6.
The Siren, 7.
Sleeping Sun, 8.
High Hopes, 9.
Bless the Child, 10.
Wishmaster, 11.
Slaying the Dreamer, 12.
Kuolema tekee taiteilijan, 13.
Nemo, 14.
Ghost Love Score, 15.
Stone People, 16.
Creek Mary's Blood, 17.
Over the Hills and Far Away, 18.
Wish I Had an Angel / Outro: All of Them