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SEER OF DECAYに登録されている13曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Dog in the Leash, Part 1, 2.
Dog in the Leash, Part 2, 3.
Dog in the Leash, Part 3, 3.
Dog in the Leash, Part 4, 3.
Dog in the Leash, Part 5, 4.
Collision of the Unwanted, 5.
Unforgiven Sins, 6.
Seer of Decay, 7.
Gutter, 8.
Patriot Stamina, 9.
Electrified Steel, 10.
Pripyat, 11.
Ghost Factory, 12.
Final Installation of Blood and Steel, 13.
Recycled Ironworks