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PHOENIXに登録されている18曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
HMP, 2.
Hell Yeah!, 3.
Just the Tip, 4.
Mental Health, 5.
The Juggernauts, 6.
Death by Disco, 7.
Be Careful What You Wish For, 8.
Morse Code for Suckers, 9.
Ignite, 10.
Mike Dexter Is a God, Mike Dexter Is a Role Model, Mike Dexter Is an Asshole, 11.
The Junkie and the Halo, 12.
Brixton, 13.
Hit the Ground, 14.
Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right, but Three Rights Make a Left, 15.
All for None and None for All, 16.
Sorry, but Your Friends Are Hot, 17.
The Art of Breaking Up, 18.
We're Not a Cover Band, We're a Tribute Band