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SOCIOPATHに登録されている27曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
I'm Wearing Your Panties, 2.
Abducted, 3.
Gruesome Violent Fantasies, 4.
Pedophile, 5.
Unbearable Odors, 6.
Fuck Slave, 7.
Decapitated Hooker Corpse, 8.
Sizzling Bitch Flesh, 9.
Waiting in Your Apartment, 10.
Yellowed Skeletal Remains, 10.
Inseminated, 11.
Naked Headless Corpse, 12.
Pervert, 13.
Swallowing Semen-Soaked Shit, 14.
Stab Wounds, 15.
Battered and Butchered, 16.
Don't Fucking Talk to Me Whore, 17.
An Absurd (interlude), 18.
Uncontrollable Urges, 18.
Follow You Home, 18.
Worthless Piece of Shit Bitch, 19.
Bloated With Post-Mortal Vapors, 20.
Unstable, ....