死期を悟りながら「ショウを続けなきゃいけないんだ」 と歌うフレディの魂の叫びが歌詞に痛切なほどに込められている。 ドラマティックなギター・アンサンブルと壮大な展開、壮絶なコーラス・ワーク、 そして、フレディの途轍もなく気力に満ちたヴォーカル、と必聴の名曲。 「RETURN OF THE~」の(たしか)「My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies,Fairy tales of yesterday, will grow but never die,I can fly, my friends!」の部分は感動的だった。
この曲の背景について次のようにありました。 Even as he was dying, Mercury threw himself into his majestic, operatic singing. Queen's Brian May recalls that Mercury could hardly walk when the band recorded "The Show Must Go On" in 1990. "I said, 'Fred, I don't know if this is going to be possible to sing,' " May says. "And he went, 'I'll fucking do it, darling' — vodka down — and went in and killed it, completely lacerated that vocal."
130. QA ★★★ (2009-06-06 21:17:23)
歌の背景です。これを読んで余計感動しました。 Even as he was dying, Mercury threw himself into his majestic, operatic singing. Queen's Brian May recalls that Mercury could hardly walk when the band recorded "The Show Must Go On" in 1990. "I said, 'Fred, I don't know if this is going to be possible to sing,' " May says. "And he went, 'I'll fucking do it, darling' — vodka down — and went in and killed it, completely lacerated that vocal." http://www.rollingstone.com/news/coverstory/24161972/page/18 からです。
131. QA ★★★ (2009-06-06 21:40:52)
私にとってはクイーンの最高傑作。ブライアンの気持ちがわかって余計感動しました。 ブライアン:I sat down with Freddie and we decided what the theme should be and wrote the first verse. It's a long story, that song, but I always felt it would be important because we were dealing with things that were hard to talk about at the time, but in the world of music you could do it." queenpediaより