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THE OBSCURANTSに登録されている17曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Theme for the Obscuritantist, 2.
Paracosm, 3.
Returning the Screw, 4.
Dina, 5.
Lifeline, 6.
The Tragedy Shield, 7.
Mr Black, 8.
Closure, 9.
Theme for the Opportunist, 10.
Chilling Effects, 11.
Reality Clash, 12.
Revisionists, 13.
Lincoyán Berríos, 14.
Dina (Ars Arcanum mix), 15.
Lifeline (36 floors mix), 16.
Lifeline (Nîm mix), 17.
Lifeline (VÆV mix)