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FIDDLER'S GREENに登録されている16曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Fiddler's Green, 2.
The Creel, 3.
Rocky Road to Dublin, 4.
Days of Yore, 5.
Don't Turn Away, 6.
Don't Come Again, 7.
Raggle Taggle Gypsy, 8.
Blarney Roses, 9.
O'mahoney's Frolics / Battle of Aughrim / Jack Keane's Reel, 10.
Summer Song, 11.
Midnight Rambler, 12.
Shakin' an Egg Jig, 13.
Midnight Sun, 14.
Secret Fire, 15.
Annabel Lee, 16.
Out of Control