ANTHOLOGY 1994-1999 (2000年)
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ANTHOLOGY 1994-1999に登録されている16曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight), 2.
Never Die, 3.
Brothers, 4.
Seventh Sign, 5.
Crash and Burn, 6.
Vengeance, 7.
Fire in the Sky, 8.
Like an Angel (For April), 9.
My Resurrection, 10.
Another Time, 11.
Rising Force (live), 12.
I'll See the Light, Tonight (live), 13.
Wield My Sword, 14.
Hangar 18, Area 51, 15.
Flamenco Diablo, 16.
Amadeus Quattro Valvole