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DISCOVERYに登録されている17曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Theme From “Discovery” (instrumental), 2.
Freedom Round, 3.
The Chosen One, 4.
New Dimension, 5.
The Flight (instrumental), 5.
The Spacefreak King, 6.
The Last Goodbye, 7.
The Flight (reprise), 8.
Hot Damn Mercy Man, 9.
Resurrection, 10.
Cosmic Girl, 11.
Forgive Me, 12.
Open Letter, 13.
Memories (instrumental), 14.
The Space, 15.
1′45″ to Mother Earth (The Return) (instrumental), 16.
Landing (All of My Dreams Have Come True), 17.
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