PIANO WORKS, VOL. 1 (1992年)
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PIANO WORKS, VOL. 1に登録されている15曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Decorations: I. The Island Spell: Allegretto, 2.
Decorations: II. Moonglade: Poco lento, 3.
Decorations: III. The Scarlet Ceremonies: Con moto, 4.
The Almond Tree: Allegretto, 5.
Preludes: I. The Undertone: Poco sostenuto, 6.
Preludes: II. Obsession: Allegretto con moto, 7.
Preludes: III. The Holy Boy: Andante tranquillo, 8.
Preludes: IV. Fire of Spring: Animato, 9.
Rhapsody: Allegro risoluto, 10.
The Towing-Path: Allegretto sostenuto, 11.
Merry Andrew: Con moto ma non troppo allegro, 12.
Summer Evening: Andantino, 13.
Piano Sonata in E minor: I. Allegro moderato, 14.
Piano Sonata in E minor: II. Non troppo lento, 15.
Piano Sonata in E minor: III. Con moto moderato