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LIVE DELIVERANCEに登録されている10曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Astral Deliverance, 2.
The Legend, 3.
Trust a Crowd, 3.
Princess of the Rising Sun, 4.
Let's Go (Out of Jail), 4.
Waiting for the Twilight / Le Jour du châtiment, 5.
Diamond Crown, 6.
Heart of Fire, 6.
Power of the Universe, 7.
Too Late, 7.
Judgement Day, 7.
Invisible World, 7.
Howlers of Insanity, 7.
Fool on the Scene, 8.
Prowler in the Night, 9.
Drive Down to Hell, 10.
Sortilège, 10.
Lord of the Sky, 10.
Metal Heart