Melodic Rockにヘルゲの短いインタビューが載ってました。 ヴォーカルのトミーが抜けた時も口論はなかったし、彼は「当分の間」と言っていたので、いつかまた一緒になるかもしれないと思っていたとか。解散から5年経った今でも親密に連絡を取り合っていたそうな。 ウレとヘルゲはコンスタントに曲を書いていて、今はアルバム用のものを選んでいるとか。今年の秋までにはレコーディングに入るそうです。 新しいアルバムのサウンドに関して何かプランがあるかと言う質問に対しては、あるにはあるが、そのプランを超える事が自分にとっての良いプランみたいだと答えています。 ファンに対して何か、と言われて、僕たちは余分に歩くだろう、と答えてます。もう、これだけでワクワクしますね。どんなすごい曲が出来るんだろう? 原文で英語の勉強をしたい方は、こちら。 When and how did the Fair Warning re-union happen? "As you might know Fair Warning called it a day after Tommy left the band in the year of 2000. Somehow this was a curious split, because we didn't have any quarrel. When Tommy left he did it using the words "for the time being". It was never completely out of question that we might be doing something together again someday. Over the past 5 years we stayed in quite close contact, being well informed of what the others were up to. By the beginning of 2005 it dawned on us that the time felt right for a new Fair Warning record." When will you all gather to write and record the new album? "Ule and me are writing music constantly anyway. Now we are about to pick a selection of songs to record. Recordings will start by autumn of this year." And do you have any pre-planed idea for the sound of the album? A return to any particular past sound? "There are some plans, but the funny thing about plans is, that in case you're lucky you find something better than the plan while working. So going beyond the plan sounds like a good plan to me. Returning and setting out anew maybe. It would be a lot easier to comment on this once we're finished." Anything to add for the happy fans? "We`ll walk the extra mile."