
00年代 | S | メロディックデス | 叙情/哀愁 | 日本

SERPENT - 曲ランキング
1. Cradle Of Insanity / Cradle Of Insanity (50)
2. Siren Night / Cradle Of Insanity (49)
3. Bloody gates / Cradle Of Insanity (39)
4. Cannibalistic Dream / X God X (21)
5. Angel's Grave / Cradle Of Insanity (12)
6. Lunar Eclipse / Cradle Of Insanity (11)
7. Sea of the silence / Cradle Of Insanity (10)
8. Erase Me / Bloody Gates (8)
9. Cage / Cradle Of Insanity (6)
9. Shadow of Death / Cradle Of Insanity (6)
9. Slave / X God X (6)
9. Suicide Diary / X God X (6)
13. Baptism / X God X (5)
13. Bloody Gates / Bloody Gates (5)
15. Awakening - In the Dark Painted by Blood / Cradle Of Insanity (4)
15. Broken Sleep / Cradle Of Insanity (4)
17. Clot / X God X (3)
17. Funeral of Light / X God X (3)
17. Plastic Arts / X God X (3)
20. Devil in a Dream / X God X (2)
