
80年代 | 90年代 | V | アメリカ | スラッシュメタル

VIO-LENCE - 曲ランキング
1. Eternal Nightmare / Eternal Nightmare (19)
2. Bodies on Bodies / Eternal Nightmare (13)
3. Serial Killer / Eternal Nightmare (12)
4. Kill on Command / Eternal Nightmare (8)
4. T.d.s. (take It As You Will) / Eternal Nightmare (8)
6. Calling in the Coroner / Eternal Nightmare (7)
6. Torture Tactics / Oppressing the Masses (7)
8. Liquid Courage / Oppressing the Masses (5)
8. Oppressing the Masses / Oppressing the Masses (5)
8. Phobophobia / Eternal Nightmare (5)
11. Engulfed by Flames / Oppressing the Masses (4)
12. Screaming Always / Let the World Burn (3)
12. World in a World / Oppressing the Masses (3)
14. I Profit / Oppressing the Masses (2)
14. Subterfuge / Oppressing the Masses (2)
16. Gutterslut / Torture Tactics (1)
