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The Ophidian Trek (2014年)
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登録されている3曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Swarmer, 1. Swarm, 1. Combustion, 1. Rational Gaze, 1. obZen, 1. Lethargica, 1. Do Not Look Down, 1. The Hurt That Finds You First, 1. I Am Colossus, 1. Bleed, 1. Demiurge, 2. New Millennium Cyanide Christ, 2. Dancers to a Discordant System, 3. Mind's Mirrors / In Death - Is Life / In Death - Is Death, 3. The Last Vigil, 3. Swarmer, 3. Swarm, 3. Combustion, 3. Rational Gaze, 3. obZen, 3. Lethargica, 3. Do Not Look Down, 3. The Hurt That Finds You First, 3. I Am Colossus, 3. Bleed, 3. Demiurge, 3. New Millennium Cyanide Christ, 3. Dancers to a Discordant System, 3. Mind's Mirrors / In Death - Is Life / In Death - Is Death, 3. The Last Vigil