
80年代 | 90年代 | A | スラッシュメタル | ドイツ | パワーメタル | プログレメタル

ANGEL DUST - 曲ランキング
1. I'll Come Back / Into the Dark Past (12)
2. Legions of Destruction / Into the Dark Past (8)
3. Spotlight Kid / Border of Reality (6)
3. The One You Are / Enlighten the Darkness (6)
5. Gambler / Into the Dark Past (4)
6. Atomic Roar / Into the Dark Past (3)
6. Marching for Revenge / Into the Dark Past (3)
6. Still I'm Bleeding / Enlighten the Darkness (3)
6. The Human Bondage / Of Human Bondage (3)
10. Beneath the Silence / Enlighten the Darkness (2)
10. Bleed / Bleed (2)
10. I Need You / Enlighten the Darkness (2)
10. Mr. Inferno / To Dust You Will Decay (2)
10. Stranger / To Dust You Will Decay (2)
15. The King / To Dust You Will Decay (1)
