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In the Line of Fire… Larger Than Live (2015年)
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登録されている6曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Fury of the Storm, 2. Three Hammers, 2. Black Winter Night, 3. Seasons, 3. Tomorrow's Kings, 3. Symphony of the Night, 4. Cry Thunder, 4. Ring of Fire, 5. Through the Fire and Flames, 5. Valley of the Damned, 5. Fury of the Storm, 5. Three Hammers, 5. Black Winter Night, 5. Seasons, 5. Tomorrow's Kings, 5. Symphony of the Night, 5. Cry Thunder, 5. Ring of Fire, 5. Through the Fire and Flames, 5. Valley of the Damned, 6. Defenders