1. Ebony and Ivory / Tug of War (21)
2. No More Lonely Night / Wingspan (20)
3. Jet / Band on the Run (17)
4. Live and Let Die / Wingspan (16)
5. Another Day / Ram (11)
5. Junior's Farm / Wings Greatest Hits (11)
7. Listen to What the Man Said / Venus and Mars (10)
8. Band on the Run / Band on the Run (9)
8. My Love / Red Rose Speedway (9)
10. Maybe I'm Amazed / Mccartney (8)
11. Back Seat of My Car / Ram (6)
11. Daytime Nightime Suffering / Back to the Egg (6)
11. Goodnight Tonight / Wingspan (6)
11. Silly Love Songs / Wings at the Speed of Sound (6)
11. With a Little Luck / London Town (6)
16. Bluebird / Band on the Run (5)
16. Coming up / Mccartney Ii (5)
16. Eat at Home / Ram (5)
16. Junk / Mccartney (5)
16. Let 'Em In / Wings at the Speed of Sound (5)
21. Temporary Secretary / Mccartney Ii (4)
23. Baby's Request / Back to the Egg (3)
23. Calico Skies / Flaming Pie (3)
23. Country Dreamer / Band on the Run (3)
23. Dear Friend / Wild Life (3)
23. Eat at Home / Wingspan (3)
23. English Tea / Chaos and Creation in the Backyard (3)
23. Getting Closer / Back to the Egg (3)
23. Girlfriend / London Town (3)
23. Helen Wheels / Band on the Run (3)
23. Letting Go / Venus and Mars (3)
23. Little Lamb Dragonfly / Red Rose Speedway (3)
23. Long and Winding Road / Give My Regards to Broad Street (3)
23. Lunch Box/odd Sox / Venus and Mars (3)
23. Motor of Love / Flowers in the Dirt (3)
23. Mrs Vandebilt / Band on the Run (3)
23. Mull of Kintyre / Wings Greatest Hits (3)
23. My Brave Face / Flowers in the Dirt (3)
23. Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five / Band on the Run (3)
23. No More Lonely Night / Give My Regards to Broad Street (3)
23. No More Lonely Nights(playout Version) / Give My Regards to Broad Street (3)
23. No Values / Give My Regards to Broad Street (3)
23. Not Such a Bad Boy / Give My Regards to Broad Street (3)
23. Once upon a Long Ago(long Version) / Press to Play (3)
23. Press / Press to Play (3)
23. Silly Love Songs / Give My Regards to Broad Street (3)
23. So Bad / Pipes of Peace (3)
23. So Glad to See You Here / Back to the Egg (3)
23. This One / Flowers in the Dirt (3)
23. Tomorrow / Wild Life (3)
23. Tomorrow / Wings Wild Life (3)
23. Treat Her Gently / Lonely Old People / Venus and Mars (3)
23. Twice in a Lifetime / Pipes of Peace (3)
23. VENUS AND MARS-ROCK SHOW / Venus and Mars (3)
23. Waterfalls / Mccartney Ii (3)
23. While My Guitar Gently Weeps / クイーン・エリザベス二世即位50周年記念コンサート(live) (3)
23. Winter Rose / Love Awake / Back to the Egg (3)
23. Young Boy / Flaming Pie (3)
62. All Shook up / Run Devil Run (2)
62. Call Me Back Again / Venus and Mars (2)
62. Goodnight Princess / Give My Regards to Broad Street (2)
62. Heart of the Country / Ram (2)
62. Hi Hi Hi / Wings Greatest Hits (2)
62. Loup (First Indian on the Moon) / Red Rose Speedway (2)
62. San Ferry Anne / Wings at the Speed of Sound (2)
62. Say Say Say / Pipes of Peace (2)
62. WONDERFUL CHRISTMASTIME / Back to the Egg (2)



