1. Ever Since the World Began / Ambition (18)
2. The Weight of the World / Ambition (9)
3. Dangerous Game / Ambition (8)
4. Girls With Guns / Girls With Guns (6)
4. Lonely School / Girls With Guns (6)
4. No Such Thing / Ambition (6)
4. Remo's Theme (What If) / What If (6)
8. Jealousy / What If (5)
9. Ambition / Ambition (4)
9. Somewhere in the Night / Ambition (4)
11. All in How You Say It / 7 Deadly Zens (3)
11. Are You Ready for Me / Ambition (3)
11. Come in and Explain / Girls With Guns (3)
11. Free to Love You / Girls With Guns (3)
11. Heads Up / Girls With Guns (3)
11. Lay Them Down / Ambition (3)
11. Little Girl World / Girls With Guns (3)
11. Love You Too Much / Ambition (3)
11. Stop Knockin' / 7 Deadly Zens (3)
11. The Outsider / Ambition (3)
11. True Confessions / What If (3)
22. Fading Away / Girls With Guns (2)
22. Half a Mind / 7 Deadly Zens (2)
22. Kiss Me Hello / Girls With Guns (2)
22. Ocean / 7 Deadly Zens (2)
22. Outside in the Rain / Girls With Guns (2)
22. Straight Down the Hole / 7 Deadly Zens (2)
22. The Race Is On / Girls With Guns (2)



