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BEWARE OF ABKCO!に登録されている15曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Run of the Mill (acoustic version), 2.
Art of Dying (acoustic version), 3.
Everybody, Nobody (acoustic version), 4.
Wah-Wah (on elec. guitar), 5.
Window, Window (acoustic version), 6.
Beautiful Girl (acoustic version), 7.
Beware of Darkness (acoustic version), 8.
Let It Down (acoustic version), 9.
Tell Me What Has Happened to You (acoustic version), 10.
Hear Me Lord (Electric Guitar), 11.
Nowhere to Go (Elec. Guitar), 12.
Cosmic Empire (acoustic version), 13.
Mother Devine (acoustic version), 14.
I Don't Wanto to Do It (acoustic version), 15.
If Not for You (acoustic version)