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AL DIMEOLAに登録されている17曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 

Mediterranean Sundance, 2.
Race With Devil on Spanish Highway, 3.
Flight Over Rio, 4.
Elegant Gypsy Suite, 5.
Midnight Tango, 6.
Lady of Rome, Sister of Brazil, 7.
Tango Suite, 8.
Short Tales of the Black Forest, 9.
Love Theme From "Pictures of the Sea", 10.
Passion, Grace & Fire, 11.
Dark Eye Tango, 12.
Casino, 13.
Egyptian Danza, 14.
Señor Mouse, 15.
Chasin' the Voodoo, 16.
Land of the Midnight Sun, 17.
Race with Devil on Turkish Highway