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JURASSIC JADEに登録されている39曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 1.
鏡よ鏡, 2.
The Old Kingdom of Hell, 3.
香港庭園, 4.
The Individual D-Day (It's to Act!), 5.
Complete Death, 6.
流血人形, 7.
Dead Men Tell No Tales(死人に口無し!), 8.
Left Eye on the Tv, 9.
In a While, 10.
9月の詩, 11.
誰かが殺した日々, 12.
Divided Power , Reverse, 13.
Who Saw Him Die?, 14.
Panic Anxiety, 15.
I Was Born to Thrash, 16.
Fight for , What for, 17.
Not Creation But Destruction, 18.
Child Abuse, 19.
The Majority, 20.
Terror the Beast, ....