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STIFFED AGAINに登録されている18曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
B Movie, 2.
Beaten to the Punch, 3.
Blame It on Cain, 4.
Don't Stop the Band, 5.
High Fidelity, 5.
I'm Packing up, 6.
I'm Packing up #2, 7.
Imagination is a Powerful Deceiver, 8.
Imagination is a Powerful Deceiver #2, 9.
Imagination is a Powerful Deceiver #3, 10.
Just Don't Know What to Do with Myself, 10.
Knocking on Heaven's Door, 11.
Living in Paradise, 12.
Pay It Back, 12.
Pump It up, 13.
Radio Radio, 14.
Radio Soul, 14.
Radio Soul #2, 15.
Red Shoes, 16.
Stranger in the House, 17.
The Beat, 17.
Third Rate Romance, 18.
You Belong to Me