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PAPA ROACHに登録されている28曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 

M-80 (Explosive Energy Movement), 2.
Last Resort, 3.
…To Be Loved, 4.
Scars, 5.
Getting Away With Murder, 6.
Decompression Period, 7.
Between Angels and Insects, 8.
She Loves Me Not, 9.
Blood Brothers, 10.
What Do You Do?, 11.
Life Is a Bullet, 12.
Forever, 13.
Still Swingin, 14.
Gravity, 15.
Blood (Empty Promises), 16.
Falling Apart, 17.
Singular Indestructible Droid, 18.
State of Emergency, 19.
Reckless, 20.
Roses on My Grave, ....