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CAST IN STONEに登録されている24曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
The Evil One, 2.
Raised in Hell, 3.
All Devils Eve, 4.
Bleeding, 5.
Destroyed & Damned, 6.
Domus Mundi, 7.
Flight of the Hydra, 8.
God's Forsaken, 9.
Mortals, 10.
Infectious, 11.
Kings of Evil, 12.
You're All Gonna Die, 13.
Judgement Day, 14.
Swarm, 15.
Intro, 16.
Bloodlust, 17.
Die Hard, 18.
Acid Queen, 19.
Bursting Out, 20.
Warhead, ....