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GUITARHYTHM Vに登録されている16曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Guitarhythm Returns, 2.
Intro ~welcome to G.V~, 3.
Decalogue, 4.
Science Killed the Future, 5.
Sunshine of Your Love, 6.
風の銀河へ, 7.
Tic Tac, 7.
Vicious Beat Clashers, 8.
Opus, 9.
Beautiful Monsters, 10.
アストロノーツ, 11.
Psycho Disco, 12.
Cosmic Pirates, 13.
天空のDIVA, 14.
Apples, 15.
No Turning Back, 16.
Outro ~to Be Continued~