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YESSTORYに登録されている18曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Survival, 2.
No Opportunity Necessary, No Experience Needed, 3.
Time and a Word, 4.
Starship Trooper, 5.
I've Seen All Good People, 6.
Roundabout, 7.
Heart of the Sunrise, 8.
Close to the Edge, 9.
Ritual: Nous sommes du soleil, 10.
Soon (single edit), 11.
Wonderous Stories, 12.
Going for the One, 13.
Don't Kill the Whale, 14.
Does It Really Happen?, 15.
Make It Easy, 16.
Owner of a Lonely Heart, 17.
Rhythm of Love, 18.