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UNWELCOMEに登録されている16曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Unwelcome, 2.
Carve My Cross, 3.
Handbook for the Recently Deceased, 4.
Choking on Sand, 5.
Let Me Be the One, 6.
Sunglasses at Night, 7.
Martyred or Mourning, 8.
No One Lies to the Dead, 9.
I Share in Shame, 10.
Scornstar, 11.
The Face of My Innocence, 12.
Haunted, Fragile, and Frozen, 13.
Six Coffins Wide, 14.
Veil of Mourning Black, 15.
A Tearful Haunt, Condemned, 15.
Carve My Cross, 16.