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EXHUMEDに登録されている34曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Killer Instinct, 2.
Armed and Dangerous, 3.
Take This Torch, 4.
Fast and Loud, 5.
City of Damnation, 6.
Gatecrasher, 7.
Cross Me Fool, 8.
Evil Invaders, 9.
Iron Hammer, 10.
Instant Death, 11.
Speed Merchants, 12.
Thrashdance, 13.
A.O.D., 14.
K.M.A., 14.
Forced Annihilation, 15.
Snake Eyes, 16.
The Marshall Arts, 17.
Behind Bars, 18.
Below the Belt, 19.
Enforcer, 20.
Violent Restitution, ....