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BOREDOMSに登録されている39曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 1.
TV Scorpion, 2.
Super Go!!!!! →shine in Shine on, 4.
11aug '99 Live (total Eclipse + Grand Cross), 5.
Go!!!!!, 6.
Hard Trance Away ( Karaoke of the Cosmos ), 7.
Super You, 8.
Anarchy in the Ukk, 9.
Rebore Vol.3, 10.
7777777, 11.
Tomato Synthesizer, 12.
777, 13.
Telehorse Uma, 14.
G.i.l. '77, 15.
7777, 16.
7, 17.
Songs Without Electric Guitars, 18.
Z & U & T & A, 19.
I Am Cola, 20.
Hoy, ....