1. 20th Century Child / Locus 1976-1983 (7)
2. Fallen Angel / Era (6)
2. Warning from Stardust / Warning from Stardust (6)
2. You're Mine / Warning from Stardust (6)
5. Fugitive / Locus 1976-1983 (5)
6. 20th Century Child / Warning from Stardust (3)
6. Break Out the Trick / Warning from Stardust (3)
6. Can't Get Back to You / Warning from Stardust (3)
6. Clean Machine / Ancient Dreams (3)
6. Clean Machine / Warning from Stardust (3)
6. Devil Woman / Ancient Dreams (3)
6. Don't Cry Baby / Back (3)
6. Get on Our Train / Back (3)
6. Heart's on Fire / Back (3)
6. Last Warriors / Back (3)
6. Poor Man's Eden / Warning from Stardust (3)
6. Rollin'free / Ancient Dreams (3)
6. Search Light / Glorious Road (3)
6. Silver Lightning / ニッポンのロックギタリスト (3)
6. Tycoon / Era (3)
6. Warning from Stardust / Ancient Dreams (3)
6. You're Mine / Locus 1976-1983 (3)
6. 欲しいのはおまえだけ / Glorious Road (3)
24. 20th Century Child / Ancient Dreams (2)
24. A Loaded Gun / Ancient Dreams (2)
24. Behind the Mask / Back (2)
24. Clean Machine / Locus 1976-1983 (2)
24. Drive with Me / Ancient Dreams (2)
24. In My Image / Ancient Dreams (2)
24. Silver Lightning / Back (2)
24. The Clown / Back (2)
24. You're Mine / Ancient Dreams (2)
24. 忘れかけてたラブソング / Glorious Road (2)
24. 夜になっても遊び続けろ / Glorious Road (2)
35. Get On Our Train / Signal Fire (1)


