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ELDER GODSに登録されている20曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Zombie Ritual, 2.
Trauma of War, 3.
Firestarter, 4.
Point of No Return, 5.
Stagnant State of Affairs, 6.
Impending Doom, 7.
Just One Fix, 8.
Spectrum, 9.
Kairos, 10.
No One Will Stand, 11.
Riot Act, 12.
Blacklist, 13.
Hammer and Life, 14.
Good Riddance, 15.
Now Thy Death Day Come, 16.
Children of a Worthless God, 17.
Collateral Damage, 18.
Angel of Death, 19.
Downfall, 20.