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ORIGINSに登録されている24曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Origins, 2.
The Nameless, 3.
From Darkness, 4.
Celtos, 5.
Virunus, 6.
Nothing, 7.
The Call of the Mountains, 8.
Sucellos, 9.
Inception, 10.
Vianna, 11.
The Silver Sister, 12.
King, 13.
The Day of Strife, 14.
Ogmios, 15.
Carry the Torch, 16.
Eternity, 16.
The Call of the Mountains, 16.
King, 17.
Interview With Chrigel Glanzmann, 18.
The Uprising, 19.
Uxellodunon, 20.
Havoc, ....