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IDOLIZEDに登録されている17曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube 1.
Sarah, 2.
She Said, 3.
Trust Me, 4.
Hope, 4.
Drag Us Down, 4.
You Gave It Away, 5.
Wave, 6.
Rooms, 7.
Counting, 8.
And If You're Leaving, 9.
Silver, 9.
Sister Love, 10.
Christine, 10.
Head Or Heart, 10.
Never Again, 11.
Forever, 12.
Bleed, 12.
Drowning, 13.
I Don't Love You Anymore, 13.
Angeline, 13.
This Is My Life, 14.
You Are Mine, 15.
All That I Wanted, 16.
Easy, 17.
Daydream Believers