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Rising From the Grave (2010年)
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登録されている2曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Bitter End, 1. Abandon Ship, 1. Tyrannicide, 1. Scorcher, 1. Genius of Insanity, 1. (The) Whore of Babylon, 1. Winds of War, 1. He's a Woman - She's a Man, 1. Rhapsody in Black, 1. Baptized in Blood, 1. To Sleep, Per Chance to Scream, 2. Perseverance and Desperation, 2. The Curse Has Passed Away, 2. Benediction, 2. Harsh Reality, 2. Swirling Madness, 2. Von am Lebem Desto Strum, 2. Aieliaria and Everonn, 2. The King Is Dead, 2. Evil Reign, 2. Harker's Tale (Mass of Death), 2. Angel of Death