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Busload Of Freaks (Promo) (1993年)
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登録されている12曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. As Friendly As I'll Ever Get, 1. Can't Stop, 1. What's A Party Without Freaks, 1. Those Freaks Are Here To Party, 1. Look For The Hatred Label, 1. I'll Hate You Better, 2. Step Forward And Introduce Yourself, 2. Three Headed Mind Pollution, 2. All About On The One, 2. You Can't Bring Me Down, 3. We Ain't In Kansas Anymore, 3. Therapy, 4. Tipper Made Me Do It, 5. Waking The Dead, 6. Man Behind the Man, 6. Fame, 7. Following The Tangent, 7. Pledge Your Allegiance, 7. Closed Session, 7. Infectious Grooves, 8. Raise The Voices In Joy, 8. Send Me Your Money, 9. Caca De Kick, 10. Don't Stop, Spread The Jam!, ....