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A Bit of What You Fancy / Bitter Sweet and Twisted (2003年)
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登録されている25曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. 7 O'Clock, 2. Tramps and Thieves, 2. Man on the Loose, 3. White Trash Blues, 4. Can't Park Here, 4. Whippin' Boy, 5. King of New York, 5. Sex Party, 5. Sweet Mary Ann, 6. Don't Bite the Hand That Feeds You, 6. I Don't Love You Anymore, 7. Last Time, 7. Hey You, 8. Debbie, 8. Misled, 9. Brother Louie, 9. Long Time Comin', 9. Ode to You (Baby Just Walk), 9. Roses and Rings, 9. Hates to Please, 10. There She Goes Again, ....