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Vivus! (2012年)
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登録されている1曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. The Philosopher, 1. Spirit Crusher, 1. Trapped in a Corner, 1. Scavenger of Human Sorrow, 1. Crystal Mountain, 1. Flesh and the Power It Holds, 1. Zero Tolerance, 1. Zombie Ritual, 1. Suicide Machine, 1. Together as One, 1. Empty Words, 1. Symbolic, 1. Pull the Plug, 1. The Philosopher, 1. Trapped in a Corner, 1. Crystal Mountain, 1. Suicide Machine, 1. Together as One, 1. Zero Tolerance, 1. Lack of Comprehension, 1. Flesh and the Power It Holds, 1. Flattening of Emotions, 1. Spirit Crusher, 1. Pull the Plug