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Live In London ON April 13 (2001年)
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登録されている7曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Intro, 1. Fuck The Border, 2. Today's Empires, Tomorrow's As, 2. A People's History of the Worl, 3. Stick the Fucking Flag up Your, 3. Mate Ka Moris Ukun Rasik An, 3. Less Talk, More Rock, 3. Natural Disasters, 3. ...And We Thought That Nation, 3. Albright Monument, Baghdad, 3. The State-Lottery, 4. Back To The Motor League, 4. Resisting Tyrannical Governmen, 4. Haillie Sellasse, Up Your Ass, 5. Refusing To Be A Man, 5. Ladies' Nite in Loserville, 5. Anti-Manifesto, 6. Encore Break, 6. Ska Sucks, 7. Hard Times, 7. Who Will Help Me Bake This Bre