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The Gathering (2010年)
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登録されている35曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Stormbringer, 2. Find the Time (Kingdom of Madness session outtake), 2. In the Beginning, 3. Baby Rock Me, 4. Universe, 4. Invasion, 5. Kingdom of Madness (alternative version), 5. Great Adventure, 6. Changes (7" single remix), 7. The Battle, 7. All of My Life, 8. If I Could Live Forever (live), 9. Foolish Heart (live), 9. Lords of Chaos (live), 9. The Lights Burned Out (Chase the Dragon session outtake), 9. Soldier of the Line, 9. On the Edge of the World, 9. The Spirit, 9. The Teacher, 10. Back to Earth (7" single A-Side), 10. Hold Back Your Love (7" single B-Side), ....