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The Ballads V (2017年)
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登録されている7曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Love's Holding On, 1. Love's Holding On, 2. I See Fire, 2. I See Fire, 3. On the Edge of Our Time, 3. On the Edge of Our Time, 3. Hey Hey My My, 3. Hey Hey My My, 4. Lived Our Lives Before, 4. Lived Our Lives Before, 4. When Truth Hurts, 4. When Truth Hurts, 4. Forever Free, 4. Forever Free, 5. Lost in Love, 5. Lost in Love, 6. The Line (live), 6. The Line (live), 7. Mistreated (live), 7. Mistreated (live), 7. Love's Holding On, 7. Love's Holding On