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Live at the Whisky (2014年)
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登録されている3曲を連続再生(曲順) - Youtube
1. Legacy, 1. Marching Into Battle, 1. You Know What to Do, 1. Loud ’n’ Clear, 1. Reach Out, 1. Calling on You, 1. Free, 1. More Than a Man, 2. The Rock That Makes Me Roll, 2. No More Hell to Pay, 2. Jesus Is Just Alright, 2. Always There for You, 2. All for One, 2. The Way, 2. To Hell With the Devil, 2. Soldiers Under Command, 2. Legacy, 2. Marching Into Battle, 2. You Know What to Do, 2. Loud ’n’ Clear, 2. Reach Out, 2. Calling on You, 2. Free, 2. More Than a Man, 2. The Rock That Makes Me Roll, 2. No More Hell to Pay, 2. Jesus Is Just Alright, 2. Always There for You, 2. All for One, 2. The Way, 2. To Hell With the Devil, 2. Soldiers Under Command, 2. No More Hell to Pay, 2. Sympathy, 3. Nashville All Access (Interview)