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FAIRYLANDに登録されている23曲を連続再生(人気順) - Youtube 

On the Path to Fury, 2.
Ride With the Sun, 3.
Of Wars in Osyrhia, 4.
Fight for Your King, 5.
Doryan the Enlightened, 6.
Guardian Stones, 7.
The Fellowship, 8.
The Army of the White Mountains, 9.
A Dark Omen, 10.
The Storyteller, 11.
Rebirth, 12.
Clanner of the Light, 13.
Godsent, 14.
Score to a New Beginning, 15.
The Story Remains, 16.
Lost in the Dark Lands, 17.
Assault on the Shore, 18.
The Fall of an Empire, 19.
End Credits, 20.
The Awakening, ....