2. A Symphony of Steele / The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, Part Two (13)
2. Invictus / Invictus (13)
4. Don't Say Goodbye (Tonight) / Guardians of the Flame (11)
6. A Cry in the Night / Guardians of the Flame (9)
6. Emalaith / The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, Part Two (9)
8. Children of the Storm / Virgin Steele (8)
9. A Token of My Hatred / The House of Atreus: Act II (6)
9. Angel of the Light / Noble Savage (6)
9. Blood and Gasoline / The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, Part One (6)
9. I Will Come for You / The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, Part One (6)
9. Immortal I Stand (The Birth of Adam) / Visions of Eden (6)
9. Lion in Winter / Age of Consent (6)
9. Love Is Pain / Life Among the Ruins (6)
16. Hell or High Water / Guardians of the Flame (5)
16. Still in Love With You (new mix) / Virgin Steele (5)
16. The Wine of Violence / Wings of Vengeance (5)
19. Lothlorien / Virgin Steele (4)
19. Victory Is Mine / The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, Part Two (4)
21. A Shadow of Fear / Invictus (3)
21. Adorned With the Rising Cobra / Visions of Eden (3)
21. Crown of Glory / The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, Part Two (3)
21. Dominion Day / Invictus (3)
21. Don't Close Your Eyes / Noble Savage (3)
21. Last Rose of Summer / Life Among the Ruins (3)
21. Mists of Avalon / Hymns to Victory (3)
21. Noble Savage / Noble Savage (3)
21. On the Wings of the Night / Age of Consent (3)
21. Prometheus the Fallen One / The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, Part Two (3)
21. Rain of Fire / The Book of Burning (3)
21. Stay on Top / Age of Consent (3)
21. Summoning the Powers / The House of Atreus: Act II (3)
21. The Spirit of Steele / Noble Savage (3)
21. Veni, Vidi, Vici / Invictus (3)
37. Chains of Fire / Age of Consent (2)
37. Devil/Angel / The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, Part Two (2)
37. Go down Fighting / Guardians of the Flame (2)
37. Guardians of the Flame / Guardians of the Flame (2)
37. Let It Roar / Age of Consent (2)
37. Sword of the Gods / Invictus (2)
37. The Redeemer / Guardians of the Flame (2)
37. Through Blood and Fire / Invictus (2)
37. Twilight of the Gods / The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, Part Two (2)
46. Pulverizer / Virgin Steele (1)



